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    Basiswissen Digital Design
    Kim Lauenroth
    supported by IREB

    First edition
    dpunkt.verlag (04/2024)
    German, 380 pages
    ISBN 978-3-9888900-0-9

    For anyone interested in Digital Design and looking for a book that teaches the basics of Digital Design, this is the book for you. Kim Lauenroth's book "Digital Design Basics" follows the structure of the IREB Digital Design Foundation Level syllabus, version 2. It covers the material in the corresponding IREB handbook and supplements it with explanations, practical tips, in-depth excursions and many case studies. The reflection questions at the end of each chapter provide a valuable resource. Anyone preparing for the IREB Digital Design Professional certificate exam will find this book an excellent guide, both for self-study and as a supplement to a course. The compilation of the learning objectives of the Foundation Level with explanations, sample questions and solutions in the appendix of the book is also helpful for exam preparation.

    Kim's book provides a great foundation for Digital Design. It also goes beyond IREB's Digital Design Professionals handbook and offers practical examples of how digitalization can and should be done in a company. In particular, it offers people who are new to the position, e.g., as a project manager for digitization projects or as a digitalization manager, an ideal introduction. Digital Design at its best.

    Basiswissen Requirements Engineering
    Klaus Pohl, Chris Rupp
    supported by IREB

    5th, revised and updated edition
    dpunkt.verlag (29.03.2021)
    German, 268 Pages
    Hard cover
    ISBN Print: 978-3-86490-814-9
    ISBN Bundle: 978-3-96910-248-0
    ISBN PDF: 978-3-96910-247-3
    ISBN ePub: 978-3-96910-245-9
    ISBN Mobi: 978-3-96910-246-6

    Aligned to the syllabus of CPRE Foundation Level 3.0

    Buy here: dpunkt.verlag

    For errata see the book homepage

    This book has been the reference book for professionals in Requirements Engineering for two decades. In all the years the team of authors led by Chris Rupp enriched the book by new insights and experience. The newest edition returned to the more classic book layout; the quieter layout is more pleasant to read. The authors restructured the content and changed partly the terminology. They were not afraid to drop content that can be considered common knowledge and replace it by actual topics like digitalization. Most of the pupils in my seminars on Requirements Engineering sit there with the book on the desk and check whether I am correct. To recommend this book is thus carrying owls to Athens.

    Basiskennis Requirements – IREB CPRE foundation examenstof uitgelegd en praktisch gemaakt
    Jan Jaap Cannegieter, Hans van Loenhoud, Stefan Staal, Johan Zandhuis
    recommended by IREB

    Eburon Academic Publishers, Utrecht, 2021
    ISBN 9-789453-013482
    Buy here: Taraxacum, bol.com

    The book follows the structure of the syllabus closely and is therefore an excellent tool for anyone wishing to prepare for a certification exam. What I love about this book is that it is peppered with all kinds of anecdotes, examples and real-life experiences. It is this unique contribution from the authors that takes the book to the next level that satisfies the hunger of a added-value seeker. The authors of this book do their utmost to pass on their love for the profession to everyone who takes this book in hand.

    The book follows the structure of the IREB CPRE Foundation Level Version 3.0 syllabus. It covers the syllabus completely. Every chapter provides profound knowledge for its topic, has a summary of the most important takeaways, and several questions to check the learning progress. The correct answers are at the end of the book with rational for each possible answer, why it is correct or incorrect; this is extremely helpful for the potential examinees.

    Business Analysis Agility: Solve the Real Problem, Deliver Real Value
    Suzanne Robertson, James Robertson
    recommended by IREB

    Edition 1 (2019)
    Addison Wesley, Pearson Education
    ISBN 978-0-13-484706-1

    If you are interested in a manual for particular agile tool for business analysis, this book is not for you. This book is not merely a collection of (agile) tools for business analysis and requirements engineering. It is the right book for you, if you're looking for a comprehensive process from identifying the real problem, via looking for a solution that resolves the identified problem provides a real value to the organisation until specifying the requirements on the implementation of the envisaged solution. The book is written in an easy to read style and illustrated by real world examples. Read it.

    I recommend Business Analysis Agility to our IREB community, a book that embodies the best of software requirements engineering married with an agile mindset. In this book, the Robertsons’ share a plethora of tools and techniques that help you infuse agility in your business analysis. At the same time, it contains key IREB body of knowledge elements. You will find multiple examples and lively scenarios that engage and invite smart problem and solution exploration.

    Certyfikowany inżynier wymagań
    Karolina Zmitrowicz
    recommended by IREB

    Opracowanie na podstawie planu nauczania IREB® CPRE®. Przykładowe pytania egzaminacyjne z odpowiedziami

    1st edition
    HELION (2024-01-09)
    Polish, 248 Pages
    ISBN Książki drukowanej: 978-83-289-0628-0, 9788328906280
    Data wydania książki drukowanej : 2024-01-09
    ISBN Ebooka: 978-83-289-1264-9, 9788328912649
    Data wydania ebooka : 2024-01-09

    Aligned to the syllabus of CPRE Foundation Level 3.0

    Buy here: HELION

    The book is aligned with the IREB CPRE Foundation Level Version 3.0 syllabus. What I like about the book is that it not only explains the fundamental RE terms and concepts mentioned in the syllabus but also clearly illustrates them with examples, diagrams, and pictures. Each chapter includes several questions to check the learning process, while the final chapter offers a set of potential exam questions for additional practice. Written in Polish, this book is particularly helpful for Polish speakers either beginning their journey in RE or seeking to consolidate and systematize their knowledge in the field.

    Discover to Deliver: Agile Project Planning and Analysis
    Ellen Gottesdiener and Mary Gorman
    recommended by IREB

    EBG Consulting, Inc. 2012
    ISBN: 978-0-9857879-0-5 (Print)
    ISBN: 978-0-9857879-1-2 (Print)

    Free PDF.
    Book Resources.

    I recommend the book as it describes requirements engineering from a complementing perspective to IREB. The book focuses on product development and follows an agile approach. The interesting part is that you find IREB body of knowledge elements in many chapters. As one example is the tool & technique listing on page 209 where you recognize many tools & techniques that are part of the IREB syllabi as well. The book is especially of value for professionals acting in the context of inventing or developing (software) product following an agile approach. The pragmatic merge of requirements engineering and agile methods and techniques helps to discover your own way to design your specific agile product development approach.

    Discover to Deliver: Agile Project Planning and Analysis brings clarity to the conundrum of how much requirements work is appropriate and how to iteratively move from discovery to delivery. Ellen and Mary, experienced agile practitioners and coaches, have identified 7 product dimensions that guide the questions to ask and provide a consistent way for the whole team to communicate. I recommend this as a book that covers requirements principles in a non-procedural and practical way. Many examples help to bring the book to life. This is an excellent reference and guidance book for our IREB community.

    Discovering Requirements – How to Specify Products and Services
    Ian Alexander, Ljerka Beus-Dukic
    recommended by IREB

    Wiley (2009)
    English, 476 Pages
    ISBN-13: 9780470712405

    Buy here: Wiley, Amazon

    I recommend Discovering Requirements as the emphasis is on actively eliciting requirements rather than a more passive approach.

    This book covers requirements engineering from an overall view, but also includes many details on how to elicit and document requirements. In the same way it is an excellent text book for students (including a teaching plan on the web) and contains many useful hints practitioners. The focus on stakeholders and context is in particular useful.

    Ingénierie des Exigences
    Stéphane Badreau, Jean-Louis Boulanger
    recommended by IREB

    ISBN 978-2-10-070640-2

    Buy here: www.dunod.com

    The content is aligned with the IREB Foundation Level Syllabus and is a very good mean to get ready to take an IREB exam. The main RE concepts are clearly illustrated with many diagrams, pictures and examples. The book is written in French, which is very very important for the French community. There is no commercial aspects in this book, it is only about the Requirements Engineering Processes, Methods, and types of tools.

    There are not many books in French that deal with RE consistently with the IREB CPRE. This book will be usefull to all practitioners who practice RE without really knowing it, and would like to deepend their knowledge of RE fundamentals. If you are looking for recommendations, best practices, and proven, state of the art methods techniques and tools that you can use in practice, this book is for you.

    Mastering the Requirements Process
    Suzanne Robertson, James Robertson
    recommended by IREB

    Addison-Wesley Professional; 3rd edition (August 16, 2012)
    English, 541 Pages
    ISBN-13: 9780321419491

    Buy here: Pearson, Amazon

    This is the classic book for business analysis and requirements engineering. Since 1999 business analysts and requirements engineers all over the world find inspiration and aid in this book. The fundamental truths mirrored in the Volere process did not change significantly in these two decades. Their use changed with the evolution from sequential to iterative development models.If you are a business analyst and you don't have the book on your bookshelf, you better hurry to buy it.

    This is an exceptionally approachable and well-structured book, suitable for small and medium-sized businesses new to requirements work who want a reliable and clearly-documented process to follow.

    Requirements Engineering Grundlagen, Prinzipien und Techniken
    Klaus Pohl
    recommended by IREB

    dpunkt.Verlag GmbH (2007)
    German, 764 Pages
    ISBN-13: 9783540211785

    Buy here: dpunkt.verlag

    Klaus‘ book is excellent. It is broad (providing an extensive overview on many approaches in requirements engineering), deep (presenting approaches not only on a superficial level), critical (by analyzing the individual strength and weaknesses) and – most of all – constructive (by demonstrating how the individual elements can be combined). It combines theoretical and practical aspects of requirements engineering and it describes the underlying principle and foundations of requirements engineering. It is a must-read for all who are interested in a broad and deep understanding of requirements engineering.

    I recommend the book “Requirements Engineering: Grundlagen, Prinzipien, Techniken” by Klaus Pohl for both, practitioners and students. Based on a comprehensive framework for requirements engineering, the book elaborates on the key principles of requirements engineering, its underlying foundations and common requirements engineering techniques. Numerous hints and examples support the reader in applying the described techniques in practice. The book serves as excellent textbook for students and lecturers (together with the additional lecture information provided on the web-site).

    Requirements-Engineering und -Management: Das Handbuch für Anforderungen in jeder Situation
    Chris Rupp, die SOPHISTen
    recommended by IREB

    7th edition
    Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG
    German, 600 pages
    Hard cover
    ISBN: 978-3-44645-587-0

    Buy here: Amazon

    This book is since two decades the reference book for all professionals in requirements engineering. In all the years the team of authors led by Chris Rupp enriched the book by new knowledge and experience. The layout did change also significantly, from black and white to colours and the technical pictures received company by icons. Most of the pupils in my seminars around requirements engineering sits there with the book and checks whether I am correct. To recommend this book is thus carrying coals toNewcastle. But this book will remain longer in fashion than coal.

    In "Requirements-Engineering und Management" the authors managed to explain not just common workday situations, but also complex problems and how to solve them. Through the use of videos and animated graphics, they found a way to incorporate the interactive part of training courses into a book, which immensely lowers the difficulty of getting into requirements engineering. This book is a valuable source of information, particularly about requirements engineering, systems engineering and the influence of agility on those fields. I recommend this book to anyone who is in contact with requirements engineering or plans on getting into contact with it.

    Scenarios, Stories, Use Cases - Through the Systems Development Life-Cycle
    Ian Alexander, Neil Maiden
    recommended by IREB

    This book provides a comprehensive overview on the concept of scenario, which every requirements engineer needs to understand well. I particularly like the balance among academic rigour and applicability through several case studies. Resources like templates and exercises provide an additional value to the text.

    This book is an excellent state-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice collection of articles focusing on scenarios and their role in the whole requirements engineering process. It shows the diversity of approaches (also in different case studies), but also the overall usefulness of scenarios. This makes the reader aware what is missing, if requirements engineering is focused only on user stories.

    Systematisches Requirements Engineering – Anforderungen ermitteln, spezifizieren, analysieren und verwalten
    Christof Ebert
    recommended by IREB

    6th edition (2019)
    German, 496 Pages
    ISBN: 978-3-86490-562-9

    Buy here: dpunkt Verlag, Amazon

    I recommend Systematisches Requirements Engineering by Christof Ebert. Christof has a talent for arriving at the heart of the matter and for exposing the simple (hard to recognize) truth. For example when he said that "you must not assume from A and B performance data anything about A+B assembly” it provides clear guidance for how to think about complex problems with that pattern. Thanks to Christof for his clear and elegantly stated guidance. Requirements engineers will find this is a valuable addition to their reference library.

    The book systematically introduces concepts, methods, models and tools of requirements engineering in a practice-oriented way. The checklists, practice tips and online templates in the book are especially useful for daily work. I recommend Systematisches Requirements Engineering as a very good introduction to requirements engineering practitioners!

    UML 2 glasklar
    Chris Rupp, die SOPHISTen, Stefan Queins
    recommended by IREB

    Hanser Fachbuchverlag (2012)
    German, 580 Pages
    Flexcover Edition
    ISBN-13: 9783446430570

    Buy here: Hanser Fachbuchverlag

    For errata see the SOPHIST website

    In UML 2 glasklar, the authors have managed a difficult tightrope act: On the one hand, the book represents a comprehensive reference for UML, in which even special cases are not left out. On the other hand, it makes the sometimes dry material relevant for the requirements engineer by illustrating all elements without exception on the basis of good examples and providing hints for use in modelling practice. There are typical pitfalls as well as recommendations for alternative approaches. Notes on tailoring the UML notation and an overview of the SysML complete the book, which should not be missing in any requirements engineering library.

    I recommend „UML 2 glasklar“ to the German-speaking IREB community. The authors did an excellent job in providing a handy and almost complete language reference for UML – supplemented by many methodological insights gained from applying UML in practice. Thus, this book ideally complements the OMG standardization documents. The book is, in particular, a valuable source of modeling knowledge for those of you planning to take the certification examination for the IREB Advanced Level “Requirements Modeling”. Indicated by the “AL” icon, you will easily find the relevant content as well as many hints and tips helping you during the preparation for the written examination and the elaboration of the written assignment.

    Writing Better Requirements
    Ian F. Alexander, Richard Stevens
    recommended by IREB

    Addison-Wesley (2002)
    English, 176 Pages
    ISBN-13: 9780321131638

    Buy here: Addison-Wesley, Amazon

    This book provides an introductory text to the problem of requirements documentation. It is handy, easy to read and practical. A good starting point for a novice in the field, but also a helpful asset for a more experienced requirements engineer who seeks for practical advice and some reflection space.

    I recommend Writing Better Requirements as a good basic introduction to the topic.

    Handbook RE@Agile
    Peter Hruschka, Kim Lauenroth, Markus Meuten, Gareth Rogers, Stefan Gärtner, Hans-Jörg-Steffe
    published by IREB

    The handbook RE@Agile complements the syllabus for the RE@Agile, Practitioner and Specialist.

    The handbook addresses training providers who want to offer training courses for RE@Agile according to the IREB standard, as well as trainees and interested practitioners who want to get a detailed insight into the content of RE@Agile.

    Available in the following languages:

    Free download
    Handbook Requirements Elicitation
    Anja Schwarz, Dominik Häußer, Kim Lauenroth, Hans van Loenhoud, Patrick Steiger
    published by IREB

    The handbook Requirements Elicitation complements the syllabus for the Requirements Elicitation, Practitioner and Specialist.

    The handbook addresses training providers who want to offer training courses for Requirements Elicitation according to the IREB standard, as well as trainees and interested practitioners who want to get a detailed insight into the content of the Requirements Elicitation.

    Available in the following languages:

    Free download
    Handbook Requirements Management
    Stan Bühne, Andrea Herrmann
    published by IREB

    The handbook Requirements Elicitation complements the syllabus for the Requirements Elicitation, Practitioner and Specialist.

    The handbook addresses training providers who want to offer training courses for Requirements Elicitation according to the IREB standard, as well as trainees and interested practitioners who want to get a detailed insight into the content of the Requirements Elicitation.

    Available in the following languages:

    Free download

    Free download
    Handbook Requirements Modeling
    Thorsten Cziharz, Peter Hruschka, Stefan Queins, Thorsten Weyer
    published by IREB

    The handbook Requirements Modeling complements the syllabus for the Requirements Modeling, Practitioner and Specialist.

    The handbook addresses training providers who want to offer training courses for Requirements Modeling according to the IREB standard, as well as trainees and interested practitioners who want to get a detailed insight into the content of the Requirements Modeling.

    Available in the following languages:

    Free download
    Syllabus and Study Guide for the RE@Agile Primer
    Lars Baumann, Peter Hruschka, Kim Lauenroth, Markus Meuten, Sacha Reis, Gareth Rogers, François Salazar, Thorsten Weyer
    published by IREB

    Version 1.4.0

    Available in the following languages:
    Portuguese (Brazil)

    Free download
    Handbook Foundation Level
    Martin Glinz, Hans van Loenhoud, Stefan Staal, Stan Bühne
    published by IREB

    This handbook complements the CPRE Foundation Level syllabus

    The handbook addresses training providers who want to offer training courses for the Foundation Level according to the IREB standard, as well as trainees and interested practitioners who want to get a detailed insight into the content of the Foundation Level.

    Available in the following languages:

    Free download

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