A ↑requirement that limits the solution space beyond what is necessary for meeting the given ↑functional requirements and ↑quality requirements.
Das CPRE Glossar
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Randbedingung (im RE)Constraint (in RE)
Multiple occurrence of the same information or resource.
The improvement of the internal ↑quality of source code, particularly the structure of the code, without changing its observable behavior.
Synonym: Freigabe
A ↑configuration that has been released for installation and use by ↑customers.
Requirements EngineerRequirements Engineer
Synonym: Anforderungsanalytiker, Anforderungsingenieur
A person who – in collaboration with ↑stakeholders – elicits, documents, validates, and manages ↑requirements.
Note:In most cases, requirements engineer is a ↑role and not a job title.
Requirements EngineeringRequirements Engineering
The systematic and disciplined approach to the ↑specification and management of ↑requirements with the goal of understanding the ↑stakeholders’ desires and needs and minimizing the risk of delivering a ↑system that does not meet these desires and needs.
Abbreviation: RE -
Synonym: Durchsicht
An evaluation of a ↑work product by an individual or a group in order to find problems or suggest improvements.
Note:Evaluation may be performed with respect to both contents and conformance.
A possible event that threatens the success of an endeavor.
Note:A risk is typically assessed in terms of its probability and potential damage.
1. A part played by a person in a given context.
2. In ↑UML ↑class models : The parts played by the linked ↑objects in an ↑association .