Das CPRE Glossar

Ein gemeinsames Verständnis der verwendeten Begriffe ist die Grundlage für erfolgreiches RE. Das CPRE Glossar umfasst die Kernbegriffe des Requirements Engineering - es ist das zentrale Nachschlagewerk über alle CPRE Module und Ebenen hinweg! Das RE@Agile Glossar ergänzt das CPRE Glossar durch Begriffe für das Requirements Engineering im agilen Umfeld.

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  • Einhaltung

    Synonym: Erfüllung

    The adherence of a ↑work product to ↑standards, conventions, regulations, laws, or similar prescriptions.

  • Entscheidungstabelle
    Decision table

    A tabular representation of a complex decision, specifying which actions to perform for the possible combinations of condition values.

  • Effektivität

    The degree to which an ↑item produces the intended results.


    In RE, effectiveness frequently is the degree to which a ↑system enables its ↑users to achieve their ↑goals .

  • Effizienz

    The degree to which resources are expended in relation to results achieved.

  • Erarbeitung (von Anforderungen)
    Elaboration (of requirements)

    An umbrella term for requirements ↑elicitation, ↑negotiation and ↑validation.

  • Ermittlung (von Anforderungen)
    Elicitation (of requirements)
  • Endbenutzer
    End user
  • Entität

    Synonym: Element, Etwas, Gegenstand

    1. In general: Anything which is perceivable or conceivable ( ↑item ).

    2. In entity-relationship-modeling: an individual ↑item which has an identity and does not depend on another item ( ↑object ).

  • Entity-Relationship Diagramm
    Entity-relationship diagram

    A diagrammatic representation of an ↑entity-realtionship model .

    Abbreviation: ERD

  • Entity-Relationship Modell
    Entity-relationship model

    A ↑model of data that are relevant for a ↑system or of the data of an ↑application domain , consisting of a set of entity types that are each characterized by ↑attributes and linked by relationships.

    Abbreviation: ER Model

  • Epic

    Synonym: Erzählung

    In agile development: An abstract description of a ↑stakeholder need which is larger than what can be implemented in a single ↑iteration .

  • Evolutionärer Prototyp
    Evolutionary prototype

    A pilot system forming the core of a ↑system to be developed.

  • Explorativer Prototyp
    Exploratory prototype

    A throwaway ↑prototype used to create shared understanding, clarify ↑requirements or validate ↑requirements .

  • Element

    Synonym: je nach Kontext: Objekt

    Anything which is perceivable or conceivable.

  • Eindeutigkeit (von Anforderungen)
    Unambiguity (of requirements)

    The degree to which a ↑requirement is expressed such that it cannot be understood differently by different people.



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