Synonym: Erfüllung
The adherence of a ↑work product to ↑standards, conventions, regulations, laws, or similar prescriptions.
Ein gemeinsames Verständnis der verwendeten Begriffe ist die Grundlage für erfolgreiches RE. Das CPRE Glossar umfasst die Kernbegriffe des Requirements Engineering - es ist das zentrale Nachschlagewerk über alle CPRE Module und Ebenen hinweg! Das RE@Agile Glossar ergänzt das CPRE Glossar durch Begriffe für das Requirements Engineering im agilen Umfeld.
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Synonym: Erfüllung
The adherence of a ↑work product to ↑standards, conventions, regulations, laws, or similar prescriptions.
A tabular representation of a complex decision, specifying which actions to perform for the possible combinations of condition values.
The degree to which resources are expended in relation to results achieved.
An umbrella term for requirements ↑elicitation, ↑negotiation and ↑validation.
A diagrammatic representation of an ↑entity-realtionship model .
Abbreviation: ERD
A ↑model of data that are relevant for a ↑system or of the data of an ↑application domain , consisting of a set of entity types that are each characterized by ↑attributes and linked by relationships.
Abbreviation: ER Model
Synonym: Erzählung
In agile development: An abstract description of a ↑stakeholder need which is larger than what can be implemented in a single ↑iteration .
A pilot system forming the core of a ↑system to be developed.
A throwaway ↑prototype used to create shared understanding, clarify ↑requirements or validate ↑requirements .
Synonym: je nach Kontext: Objekt
Anything which is perceivable or conceivable.
The degree to which a ↑requirement is expressed such that it cannot be understood differently by different people.