A coarse description of the required capabilities of a ↑system from the ↑customer’s perspective.
A customer requirements specification is usually supplied by the customer.
Ein gemeinsames Verständnis der verwendeten Begriffe ist die Grundlage für erfolgreiches RE. Das CPRE Glossar umfasst die Kernbegriffe des Requirements Engineering - es ist das zentrale Nachschlagewerk über alle CPRE Module und Ebenen hinweg! Das RE@Agile Glossar ergänzt das CPRE Glossar durch Begriffe für das Requirements Engineering im agilen Umfeld.
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A coarse description of the required capabilities of a ↑system from the ↑customer’s perspective.
A customer requirements specification is usually supplied by the customer.
A ↑requirement describing a performance characteristic (timing, speed, volume, capacity, throughput, ...).
In this glossary, performance requirements are regarded as a sub-category of ↑quality requirements. However, they can also be considered as a ↑kind of requirements of its own.
A committee that supervises a project.