Das CPRE Glossar

Ein gemeinsames Verständnis der verwendeten Begriffe ist die Grundlage für erfolgreiches RE. Das CPRE Glossar umfasst die Kernbegriffe des Requirements Engineering - es ist das zentrale Nachschlagewerk über alle CPRE Module und Ebenen hinweg! Das RE@Agile Glossar ergänzt das CPRE Glossar durch Begriffe für das Requirements Engineering im agilen Umfeld.

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  • Zweig
    CPRE Glossar

    A line of ↑configurations or ↑work product ↑versions that forks away from the main line (or from another branch) at some point in time.


    A branch is created by making a copy of some configuration or work product version and making this copy the root of the branch. A branch may be merged with the main line or with another branch at some later point in time.

  • Ziel
    CPRE Glossar

    A desired state of affairs (that a ↑stakeholder wants to achieve).


    Goals describe intentions of stakeholders. They may conflict with one another.

  • Zielmodell
    Goal model
    CPRE Glossar

    A ↑model representing a set ↑goals, sub-goals and the relationships between them.


    Goal models may also include tasks and resources needed to achieve a goal, actors who want to achieve a goal, and obstacles that impede the achievement of a goal.

  • Zuverlässigkeit
    CPRE Glossar

    The degree to which a ↑system performs specified functions under specified conditions for a specified period of time.


    Reliability may be stated as a ↑quality requirement .

  • Zustandsmaschine
    State machine
    CPRE Glossar

    A ↑model describing the behavior of a ↑system by a finite set of states and state transitions. State transitions are triggered by events and can in turn trigger actions and new events.

  • Zustandsdiagramm
    State machine diagram
    CPRE Glossar

    A diagrammatic representation of a ↑state machine .

  • Zustandsdiagramm
    State-transition diagram
    CPRE Glossar

    → State machine diagram

  • Zeitrahmen (mit fester Länge)
    CPRE Glossar

    Synonym: Timebox

    A fixed, non-extendable amount of time for completing a set of ↑tasks .



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