The contrary of ↑unambiguity
Das CPRE Glossar
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Machbarkeit (einer Anforderung)Feasibility (of a requirement)
The degree to which a ↑requirement for a ↑system can be implemented under existing ↑constraints .
The systematic application of a ↑technique (or a set of techniques) to achieve an objective or create a work product.
Mock-up (eines digitalen Systems)Mock-up (of a digital system)
A medium-fidelity ↑prototype that demonstrates characteristics of a user interface without implementing any real ↑functionality .
Note:In RE, a mock-up primarily serves for specifying and validating user interfaces.
An abstract representation of an existing part of reality or a part of reality to be created.
Note:1. The notion of reality includes any conceivable set of elements, phenomena or concepts, including other models.
2. Models are always built for specific purposes in a specific context.
3. With respect to a model, the modeled part of reality is called the original.
4. In RE, ↑requirements can be specified with models. -
ModellierungsspracheModeling language