The ease with which a ↑system can be transferred to another platform while preserving its characteristics.
Das CPRE Glossar
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A proven way of how to carry out certain types of ↑tasks or ↑activities.
The process of assigning priorities to a set of ↑items.
The level of importance assigned to an ↑item , e.g., a ↑requirement or a ↑defect , according to certain criteria.
A difficulty, open question or undesirable condition that needs investigation, consideration, or solution.
A set of interrelated ↑activities performed in a given order to process information or materials.
Note:The notion of process includes business processes (e.g., how to commission and send ordered goods to ↑customers ), information processes (e.g., how to deliver records from a database that match a given query), and technical processes (e.g., cruise control in a car).
ProzessmodellProcess model
ProzessmusterProcess pattern
Produkt (im Kontext von Software)Product (in the context of software)
A software-based ↑system or a ↑service provided by a system which is developed and marketed by a ↑supplier and used by ↑customers.
Produkt-BacklogProduct backlog
Synonym: Produkt-Auftragsbestand
An ordered, typically prioritized collection of work items that a development team has to work on when developing or evolving a ↑system .
Note:Items include ↑requirements , ↑defects to be fixed, or ↑refactorings to be done.
ProduktlinieProduct line
Synonym: Produktfamilie
A jointly managed set of systems (provided as products or services) that share a common core and have a configurable set of ↑variants for satisfying needs of particular customers or market segments.
Note:The points in a product line where there is more than one ↑variant to select from are called ↑variation points.
Product OwnerProduct owner
Synonym: Produkteigner
A person responsible for a ↑product in terms of ↑functionality , value and ↑risk .
Note:The product owner maintains and prioritizes the ↑product backlog , makes sure that the ↑stakeholders’ ↑requirements as well as market needs are elicited and adequately documented in the ↑product backlog and represents the stakeholders when communicating with the development team.
1. In manufacturing: A piece which is built prior to the start of mass production.
2. In software and systems engineering: A preliminary, partial realization of certain characteristics of a ↑system .
3. In design: A preliminary, partial instance of a design solution.Note:1. In RE, prototypes are used as a means for requirements ↑elicitation (see ↑specification by example ) and ↑validation .
2. Prototypes in RE can be classified
(a) with respect to their degree of fidelity into ↑native prototypes, ↑mock-ups and ↑wireframes;
(b) with respect to their purpose into ↑exploratory prototypes and ↑evolutionary prototypes. -
Synonym: Prototypisieren
A ↑process that involves the creation and evaluation of ↑prototypes.