Das CPRE Glossar

Ein gemeinsames Verständnis der verwendeten Begriffe ist die Grundlage für erfolgreiches RE. Das CPRE Glossar umfasst die Kernbegriffe des Requirements Engineering - es ist das zentrale Nachschlagewerk über alle CPRE Module und Ebenen hinweg! Das RE@Agile Glossar ergänzt das CPRE Glossar durch Begriffe für das Requirements Engineering im agilen Umfeld.

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  • Verhalten

    The way in which a ↑system reacts to stimuli, changes its state and produces observable results.


    Stimuli may be events or changes of conditions. Their origin may be external or system-internal.

  • Verhaltensmodell
    Behavior model

    A ↑model describing the ↑behavior of a ↑system , e.g., by a ↑state machine.

  • Vollständigkeit (von Anforderungen)
    Completeness (of requirements)

    1. For a single ↑requirement : The degree to which the specification of a requirement is self-contained.

    2. For a ↑work product covering multiple requirements: The degree to which the work product contains all known requirements that are relevant in the scope of this work product.

  • Verfolgbarkeit

    1. In general: The ability to establish explicit relationships between related ↑work products or ↑items within work products.

    2. In RE: The ability to trace a ↑requirement
    (a) back to its origins,
    (b) forward to its implementation in design and code and its associated tests,
    (c) to requirements it depends on (and vice-versa).

  • Verstehbarkeit

    The degree to which an ↑item is comprehensible to its intended users.


    Typical items are: a ↑system , a ↑work product , or a part thereof.

  • Validierung

    The ↑process of confirming that an ↑item (a ↑system , a ↑work product or a part thereof) matches its ↑stakeholders’ needs.


    In RE, validation is the process of confirming that the documented ↑requirements match their ↑stakeholders’ needs; in other words: whether the right requirements have been specified.

  • Version

    An occurrence of an ↑item which exists in multiple, time-ordered occurrences where each occurrence has been created by modifying one of its previous occurrences.

  • Vision (für ein System oder Produkt)
    Vision (for a system or product)

    A conceptual imagination of a future ↑system or ↑product , describing its key characteristics and how it will create value for its ↑users .



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