Synonym: Bug
An imperfection or deficiency in a ↑work product that impairs its intended use.
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Synonym: Bug
An imperfection or deficiency in a ↑work product that impairs its intended use.
Synonym: Gestaltung
1. A plan or drawing produced to show how something will look, function or be structured before it is made.
2. The activity of creating a design.
3. A decorative pattern [This meaning does not apply in the software engineering ↑domain ].
1. In software product development, we distinguish between creative design which shapes the look and feel of the product, i.e., its perceivable form, function and quality, and technical design (also called software design) which determines the inner structure of the product, in particular the software architecture.
2. The creative design of products is also called product design.
3. The creative design of digital solutions is called digital design.
A range of relevant things (for some given matter); for example, an ↑application domain .
A ↑model describing phenomena in an ↑application domain .
1. In RE, domain models are created with the intention to understand the ↑application domain in which a planned ↑system will be situated.
2. Static domain models specify (business) objects and their relationships in a ↑domain of interest.
3. Domain story models specify visual stories about how actors interact with devices, artifacts and other items in a ↑domain .