Das CPRE Glossar

Ein gemeinsames Verständnis der verwendeten Begriffe ist die Grundlage für erfolgreiches RE. Das CPRE Glossar umfasst die Kernbegriffe des Requirements Engineering - es ist das zentrale Nachschlagewerk über alle CPRE Module und Ebenen hinweg! Das RE@Agile Glossar ergänzt das CPRE Glossar durch Begriffe für das Requirements Engineering im agilen Umfeld.

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  • Abnahmekriterien
    Acceptance criteria

    In agile: Criteria that the implementation of a ↑user story must satisfy in order to be accepted by the ↑stakeholders.


    Acceptance criteria may also be written for ↑backlog items other than user stories.

  • Aktivitätsdiagramm
    Activity diagram

    A diagram type in ↑UML which models the flow of actions in some part of a ↑system including ↑data flows and areas of responsibility where necessary.

  • Aktivitätsmodell
    Activity model

    A ↑model of the flow of actions in some part of a ↑system .

  • Akteur

    A person in some ↑role , a ↑system or a technical device in the context of a subject under consideration that interacts with that subject.


    In RE, the subject under consideration typically is a ↑system . In testing, it may be a test ↑object .

  • Adäquatheit (einer Anforderung)
    Adequacy (of a requirement)

    The degree to which a ↑requirement expresses the ↑stakeholders' true and agreed desires and needs (i.e., those they had actually in mind when stating the requirement).

  • Agil

    Synonym: Agilität

    1. In general:
    (a) Able to move quickly and easily.
    (b) Quick, smart, and clever.
    2. In software development: A development approach which builds a product ↑incrementally by dividing work into ↑iterations of fixed duration ( ↑timeboxes ).


    Agile development is characterized by focusing on delivering a working product in each iteration, collaboration with ↑stakeholders with frequent feedback and adaptation of plans after each iteration based on feedback and changed ↑requirements.

  • Anwendungsbereich
    Application domain

    Those parts of the real world that are relevant for determining the ↑context of a ↑system .

  • Attribut

    A characteristic property of an ↑entity or an ↑object .

  • Änderungsausschuss
    Change control board

    Synonym: Change Control Board

    A committee of ↑customer and ↑supplier representatives that decides on ↑change requests .

    Abbreviation: CCB


    The Change control board should not be confused with a change advisory board, which is a committee that evaluates change requests for a ↑system in operation and typically has no decision power.

  • Änderungsantrag
    Change request

    In RE: A well-argued request for changing one or more ↑baselined ↑requirements.

  • Anforderungsart
    Kind of requirement

    A classification of requirements according to their kind into ↑system requirements (consisting of ↑functional requirements , ↑quality requirements and ↑constraints ), project requirements, and process requirements.


    1. RE is primarily concerned with system requirements.

    2. Quality requirements and constraints are also called ↑non-functional requirements .

  • Änderbarkeit

    The degree to which a ↑work product or ↑system can be modified without degrading its ↑quality .

  • Anforderung

    1. A need perceived by a ↑stakeholder .

    2. A capability or property that a ↑system shall have.

    3. A documented representation of a need, capability or property.

  • Anforderungskonflikt
    Requirements conflict

    1. A situation where two or more ↑requirements cannot be satisfied together.

    2. A situation where two or more ↑stakeholders disagree about certain ↑requirements.


    Requirements conflicts have to be solved by ↑requirements negotiation.

  • Anforderungsdokument
    Requirements document

    A document consisting of a ↑requirements specification.


    Requirements document is frequently used as a synonym for requirements specification.

  • Anforderungsermittlung
    Requirements elicitation

    Synonym: elicitation (of requirements)

    The process of seeking, capturing and consolidating ↑requirements from available ↑sources, potentially including the re-construction or creation of requirements.

  • Anforderungsmanagement
    Requirements management

    The process of managing existing ↑requirements and requirements-related ↑work products, including the storing, changing and tracing of requirements ( ↑traceability ).

  • Abstimmung von Anforderungen
    Requirements negotiation

    Synonym: Verhandlung (von Anforderungen)

    A ↑process where ↑stakeholders are working toward reaching an agreement to resolve ↑requirements conflicts.

  • Anforderungsquelle
    Requirements source

    The source from which a ↑requirement has been derived.


    Typical sources are ↑stakeholders, documents, existing ↑systems and observations.

  • Anforderungsspezifikation
    Requirements specification

    A systematically represented collection of ↑requirements , typically for a ↑system , that satisfies given criteria.


    1. In some situations we distinguish between a ↑customer requirements specification (typically written by the customer) and a ↑system requirements specification or ↑software requirements specification (written by the supplier).

    2. Requirements specification may also denote the ↑process of specifying ( ↑eliciting , documenting and ↑validating ) requirements.

  • Anforderungsvorlage
    Requirements template

    Synonym: Anforderungsschablone

    A template for specifying ↑requirements.


    In RE, several forms of templates are used. ↑Phrase templates are used for specifying individual ↑requirements or ↑user stories . ↑Form templates can be used to specify ↑use cases or ↑quality requirements. ↑Document templates provide a predefined structure for ↑requirements documents.

  • Arbeitsergebnis
    Work product

    Synonym: artifact

    A recorded, intermediate or final result generated in a work ↑process .



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